On Sat, 2 Aug 2008, Rod Whitworth wrote:

> On Fri, 1 Aug 2008 21:46:20 -0500 (CDT), L. V. Lammert wrote:
> >DVDs are, believe it or not, not as reliable as a HD!
> Sez who?
Sez me - although most of the problem I've seen are DVRW - totally
worthless (at least in Sue's recorder)!! We have tried three different
brands, and about 24 disks - NONE of them can be rewritten.

> I've dropped a pile of DVDs and never lost a bit and I've seen more HD
> failures than I can poke a stick at, and those were not failures due to
> trauma.
DVDs might be bettter than DVRW, ..

> I use DVD-RAM cartridges to do backups. Those disks are rated at 100K
> cycles rewrite life.
Where do you get DVD-RAM disks?d I'd LOVE to have a couple more.

> Carrying HDDs off-site is an adventure I don't encourage for backup.
MUCH nicer for 100GB, however.


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