On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 10:30:32AM +0900, Joel Rees wrote:

> Added markers to each of .profile, login and .cshrc:
> PROFMARKER=".profile"
> etc. But none of the markers show up in a printenv, whether
> I simply start a new xterm, or go to the trouble of logging out
> and back in.

  when i have stuff that i want to always be in my environment
  regardless of what i'm typing at (eg, login console, xterm,
  screen(1), etc), i put it all in a file and then i
  set and export ENV as being set to that file.

  seems to work very well with minimal effort.

  that might not really answer your sh/csh thing, but maybe it
  helps.  fwiw i am using /bin/ksh.



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