On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 03:24:37PM +0000, Stephan A. Rickauer wrote:
> I am curious what tools people here use to visualize pf-generated logs
> and/or live traffic. What i'm basically looking for is a tool, that
> provides various stats about a pf firewall "usage" in a graphical way,
> but not only 'bytes in/bytes out' (i have that using snmp/cacti) but
> more detailed stuff like protocol and port distribution, IP based stats
> and whatnot.
> Thanks for any ideas beyond pftop, tcpdump, hatched, darkstat and
> ntop ;)

If I ever get off my lazy ass and finish/package it up, maybe this?


P.S.  I just noticed it's actually somewhat useful in lynx as well.  Go
figure.  :)

Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

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