On Thu, 2008-08-28 at 16:03 +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for any ideas beyond pftop, tcpdump, hatched, darkstat and
> > ntop ;)

> the nfdump/nfprofile tools (also in ports) are interesting too,
> there's a web interface NfSen which is yet to be ported but can
> be manually installed without huge trouble. they need to work
> with a collector; our low-overhead one (pfflowd) needs mending
> to work with the changes to PF (hmm, now where did I put
> canacar's diff for that...) but there is also pcap-based
> softflowd which should be ok (I haven't tried it on the pflog
> interface, but if it works, that's probably the best way to
> use it, and if it doesn't work like that, it's relatively
> easy to add).

Thanks, I'll have a look into it. Maybe you could send me canacar's
diff,  so I can test it while I'm on it. I'd definitely prefer pfflowd
over softflowd.

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