On 2008-09-24, tico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Reading the FILTERS section of bgpd.conf lead me to believe that
> simply adding "allow from any inet6 prefixlen 12 - 48" would allow
> the IPv6 prefixes that my neighbor was announcing to me be added
> from the RIB into the FIB, however this was not the case. After
> trying to specify each rule as explicitly pertaining to "inet" or
> "inet6" I found that bgpd would only match the announced IPv6
> prefixes to my "allow" line when I qualified each "deny" line with
> a prefixlen, regardless of the CIDR mask appended to the address.
> Specifically, the "deny from any prefix" line in the
> sample config would always match *all* IPv6 prefixes (but not
> clobber any of my IPv4 prefixes, which were merged into the FIB
> just fine), even if I inserted the "inet" parameter into the rule.
> I ended up with the following minimum FILTER config, which works
> just fine:

 Can you make it easier for us and show the config which you expected
 to work, which doesn't work? Thanks.

Very well. I started with the following from the unmodified sample bgpd.conf from 4.3:
# filter out prefixes longer than 24 or shorter than 8 bits
deny from any
allow from any inet prefixlen 8 - 24

# do not accept a default route
deny from any prefix

# filter bogus networks
deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 8
deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 12
deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 16
deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 16
deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 24
deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 4
deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 4

And I added the "allow from any inet6 prefixlen 12 - 48" line so that the filter looked like:
# filter out prefixes longer than 24 or shorter than 8 bits
deny from any
allow from any inet prefixlen 8 - 24

# allow most IPv6 prefixes
allow from any inet6 prefixlen 12 - 48

# do not accept a default route
deny from any prefix

# filter bogus networks
deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 8
deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 12
deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 16
deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 16
deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 24
deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 4
deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 4


However, that still didn't allow any IPv6 prefixes to be added to the FIB.

Then I thought that possibly bgpd might not be distinguishing between IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes and that the CIDR mask might be matching a wide swath of IPv6 prefixes, and so just for grins I took the advice of the following section of the FILTERS portion of bgpd.conf(5):
This rule applies only to routes matching the stated address fam-
            ily.  The address family needs to be set only in rules that use
            prefixlen without specifying a prefix beforehand.

So I specified either "inet" or "inet6" for _every_ single filter rule, ending up with the following (note that this ACL _would_ actually allow a neighbor to announce an IPv6 default route to me, but not an IPv4 default route):

# filter out prefixes longer than 24 or shorter than 8 bits
deny from any
allow from any inet prefixlen 8 - 24
allow from any inet6 prefixlen 12 - 48

# do not accept a default route
deny from any inet prefix

# filter bogus networks
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 8
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 12
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 16
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 16
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 24
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 4
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 4

But this still didn't allow any IPv6 prefixes into the FIB. So, as a last resort, even though I'd specified the "don't accept a default route" rule to _only_ apply to IPv4, I changed that line to include a "prefixlen = 0" so that my filter section read as follows:
# filter out prefixes longer than 24 or shorter than 8 bits
deny from any
allow from any inet prefixlen 8 - 24
allow from any inet6 prefixlen 8 - 128

# do not accept a default route
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen = 0

# filter bogus networks
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 8
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 12
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 16
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 16
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 24
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 4
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 4

And this worked.
So the problems I see are the following:
1) the "(inet|inet6)" parameter either doesn't work, doesn't work consistently, or at the very least doesn't work as described in the man page for bgpd.conf(5) IMHO. 2) the parser for the filter section in bgpd.conf doesn't detect an IPv4 prefix versus an IPv6 prefix. (Why else would match _anything_ in IPv6 land?) 3) it doesn't appear (though I haven't tested this theory much) that bgpd will default the prefixlen to equal the CIDR mask.

> If this (having to always specify a prefixlen even if a CIDR mask
> is present) is the desired behavior

 I think that's expected, the network/cidr identifies the part of
 address space involved, prefixlen identifies the length of the

I've mentioned that above, as problem (3).
In other words, I think I should be able to write a rule like "deny from any prefix" and not have to specify "deny from any prefix prefixlen = 0" which works just fine when running _only_ IPv4.

I'm fairly sure that I can write "deny from any prefix" and have that work without problems. Now obviously if someone sent me a more specific prefix within that block ( for example) then that wouldn't necessarily match that line of my filter, but I can live with having to specify "prefixlen >= 16" to match that scenario.

Say you want to filter on RIR minimums, you might want to use
 lines like this,

 deny ... prefix xx.0.0.0/8 prefixlen >= 24 deny ... prefix yy.0.0.0/8
 prefixlen >= 21 deny ... prefix zz.0.0.0/8 prefixlen >= 16

I agree -- that makes perfect sense, and in my experience that's worked as described in the IPv4-only networks that I've worked on.

Anyhow, just for completeness' sake, here's a complete bgpd.conf for this instant in time:

AS 30708
log updates
network 2607:F618:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/32

group "peering Hurricane" {
       remote-as 6939
       neighbor $HE_edge0 {
               descr   "Hurricane_rtr0_v4"
               announce IPv4 unicast
               announce IPv6 none
               announce self
               tcp md5sig password XXXXX
       neighbor $HE_edge0v6 {
               descr "Hurricane_rtr0_v6"
               #announce capabilities no
               announce IPv6 unicast
               announce IPv4 none
               announce self
               #local-address 2001:470:1:53::2
               tcp md5sig password XXXXX

deny from any
allow from any inet prefixlen 8 - 24
allow from any inet6 prefixlen 12 - 48
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen = 0
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 8
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 12
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 16
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 16
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 24
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 4
deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 4


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