On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 01:28:01PM -0500, tico wrote:
>>  On 2008-09-24, tico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Reading the FILTERS section of bgpd.conf lead me to believe that
>> > simply adding "allow from any inet6 prefixlen 12 - 48" would allow
>> > the IPv6 prefixes that my neighbor was announcing to me be added
>> > from the RIB into the FIB, however this was not the case. After
>> > trying to specify each rule as explicitly pertaining to "inet" or
>> > "inet6" I found that bgpd would only match the announced IPv6
>> > prefixes to my "allow" line when I qualified each "deny" line with
>> > a prefixlen, regardless of the CIDR mask appended to the address.
>> > Specifically, the "deny from any prefix" line in the
>> > sample config would always match *all* IPv6 prefixes (but not
>> > clobber any of my IPv4 prefixes, which were merged into the FIB
>> > just fine), even if I inserted the "inet" parameter into the rule.
>> >
>> > I ended up with the following minimum FILTER config, which works
>> > just fine:
>>  Can you make it easier for us and show the config which you expected
>>  to work, which doesn't work? Thanks.
> Very well. I started with the following from the unmodified sample  
> bgpd.conf from 4.3:
> ------------
> # filter out prefixes longer than 24 or shorter than 8 bits
> deny from any
> allow from any inet prefixlen 8 - 24
> # do not accept a default route
> deny from any prefix
> # filter bogus networks
> deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 8
> deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 12
> deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 16
> deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 16
> deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 24
> deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 4
> deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 4
> ------------
> And I added the "allow from any inet6 prefixlen 12 - 48" line so that  
> the filter looked like:
> ------------
> # filter out prefixes longer than 24 or shorter than 8 bits
> deny from any
> allow from any inet prefixlen 8 - 24
> # allow most IPv6 prefixes
> allow from any inet6 prefixlen 12 - 48
> # do not accept a default route
> deny from any prefix
> # filter bogus networks
> deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 8
> deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 12
> deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 16
> deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 16
> deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 24
> deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 4
> deny from any prefix prefixlen >= 4
> ----------------
> However, that still didn't allow any IPv6 prefixes to be added to the FIB.
> Then I thought that possibly bgpd might not be distinguishing between  
> IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes and that the CIDR mask might be matching a wide  
> swath of IPv6 prefixes, and so just for grins I took the advice of the  
> following section of the FILTERS portion of bgpd.conf(5):
> ---------
>     (inet|inet6)
>             This rule applies only to routes matching the stated address 
> fam-
>             ily.  The address family needs to be set only in rules that use
>             prefixlen without specifying a prefix beforehand.
> ---------
> So I specified either "inet" or "inet6" for _every_ single filter rule,  
> ending up with the following (note that this ACL _would_ actually allow  
> a neighbor to announce an IPv6 default route to me, but not an IPv4  
> default route):
> --------
> # filter out prefixes longer than 24 or shorter than 8 bits
> deny from any
> allow from any inet prefixlen 8 - 24
> allow from any inet6 prefixlen 12 - 48
> # do not accept a default route
> deny from any inet prefix
> # filter bogus networks
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 8
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 12
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 16
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 16
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 24
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 4
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 4
> ---------
> But this still didn't allow any IPv6 prefixes into the FIB. So, as a  
> last resort, even though I'd specified the "don't accept a default  
> route" rule to _only_ apply to IPv4, I changed that line to include a  
> "prefixlen = 0" so that my filter section read as follows:
> ---------
> # filter out prefixes longer than 24 or shorter than 8 bits
> deny from any
> allow from any inet prefixlen 8 - 24
> allow from any inet6 prefixlen 8 - 128
> # do not accept a default route
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen = 0
> # filter bogus networks
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 8
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 12
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 16
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 16
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 24
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 4
> deny from any inet prefix prefixlen >= 4
> ---------
> And this worked.
> So the problems I see are the following:
> 1) the "(inet|inet6)" parameter either doesn't work, doesn't work  
> consistently, or at the very least doesn't work as described in the man  
> page for bgpd.conf(5) IMHO.
> 2) the parser for the filter section in bgpd.conf doesn't detect an IPv4  
> prefix versus an IPv6 prefix. (Why else would match   
> _anything_ in IPv6 land?)
> 3) it doesn't appear (though I haven't tested this theory much) that  
> bgpd will default the prefixlen to equal the CIDR mask.

I would say that's a bug. Your first version should just work.
I'll have a look at it.

:wq Claudio

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