On Fri, Sep 26 2008 at 45:07, Mariusz Makowski wrote:
> I finally was able to setup vpn connection.
> Other side was configured in wrong way and sum of all my ipsec.conf look in 
> this way:
> -- ipsec.conf --
> other_peer = "c.c.c.c_public_ip"
> ike esp tunnel from a.a.a.a_net to d.d.d.d_net peer $other_peer \
>  main auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 \
>  quick auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 \
>  psk "somekey"
> -- ipsec.conf --
In our environnement (we manage openbsd tunnels to cisco 3030 which is
out of our scope) we debugged a strange problem when the connection goes
down. The tunnels won't come back after a small link shutdown.

The problem was Cisco 3030 was doing DPD check and not the OpenBSD.

If it's the case for you too, you should add these lines to
/etc/isakmpd/isakmpd.conf :

--- isakmpd.conf ---
DPD-check-interval=     30
--- isakmpd.conf ---

> But i have another problem, a.a.a.a_net is not configured on my network 
> interface, it's a just net that must be done nat on this.
> I was reading a bit about doing nat on obsd and ipsec.
> I've tried to do so:
> -- conf --
> ifconfig lo1 inet a.a.a.a_net
> route add -net d.d.d.d_net a.a.a.a_host and pf.conf:
> nat on lo1 from e.e.e.e_net to d.d.d.d_net -> a.a.a.a_host -- conf --
> But it isn't seem to work. Packets are showing on lo1, but there are not 
> going threw the flow/enc0 interface.
The route will not work. Instead, you should use pf and route-to

> -- tcpdump lo1 --
> 09:38:20.497416 a.a.a.a_hostb > d.d.d.d_host: icmp: echo request
> 09:38:20.497421 a.a.a.a_hostb d.d.d.d_host: icmp: echo request
> -- tcpdump lo1 --
> flows:
> flow esp in from d.d.d.d_net to a.a.a.a_net peer c.c.c.c_public_ip srcid 
> b.b.b.b_public_ip dstid c.c.c.c_public_ip type use
> flow esp out from a.a.a.a_net to d.d.d.d_net peer c.c.c.c_public_ip srcid 
> b.b.b.b_public_ip dstid c.c.c.c_public_ip type require
> image :):
> e.e.e.e_net (em0) | a.a.a.a_net (lo1) <obsd> b.b.b.b_public_ip --- 
> c.c.c.c_public_ip <cisco> d.d.d.d_net
> Regard,
> Mariusz Makowski
> Mariusz Makowski wrote:
>> Mariusz Makowski wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Firstly i want to mention that it's my begining with ipsec/isakmpd 
>>> tunneling.
>>> My problem is about making connection from OpenBSD 4.3 to Cisco VPN 
>>> concentrator 3060.
>>> Cisco concentrator is out of my range so i can't check log there and i 
>>> only wish that configuration there is done well.
>>> Here it is my example:
>>> a.a.a.a_net <obsd> b.b.b.b_public_ip --- c.c.c.c_public_ip <cisco> 
>>> d.d.d.d_net
>>> What i wan't to achiev is: - comunication from a.a.a.a_net to d.d.d.d_net
>>> What i know about cisco configuration:
>>> - VPN concentrator 3060
>>> - c.c.c.c_public_ip
>>> - d.d.d.d_net
>>> - VPN Method: IPSec
>>> - Encryption: 3DES
>>> - Key exchange IKE
>>> - Pre-Shared Key: somekey
>>> - Perfect Forward Secrecy: Yes - Group 2 (1024 bits) - Hashing: SHA-1
>>> - Diffie-Hellman: Yes - Group 2 - Time Lifetime: 28800 seconds
>>> - Encapsulation Mode: Tunnel
>>> - Negotiation Mode: Main
>>> OpenBSD:
>>> - clean instalation of 4.3
>>> - no pf yet
>>> - em0: a.a.a.a_net
>>> - em1: b.b.b.b_public_ip
>>> After couple hours of reading stuff on internet and reading some 
>>> configuration files i achivied this configuration:
>>> -- isakmpd.conf --
>>> [General]
>>> Listen-on                = b.b.b.b_public_ip
>>> [Phase 1]
>>> c.c.c.c_public_ip        = CONN
>>> [Phase 2]
>>> Connections              = LINK
>>> [CONN]
>>> Phase                    = 1
>>> Transport                = udp
>>> Address                  = c.c.c.c_public_ip
>>> Configuration            = Default-Main-Mode
>>> Authentication           = somekey
>>> [LINK]
>>> Phase                    = 2
>>> ISAKMP-Peer              = HP
>>> Configuration            = Default-Quick-Mode
>>> Local-ID                 = LAN-1
>>> Remote-ID                = LAN-2
>>> [LAN-1]
>>> ID-Type                  = IPV4_ADDR_SUBNET
>>> Network                  = a.a.a.a_net
>>> Netmask                  = a.a.a.a_netmask
>>> [LAN-2]
>>> ID-Type                  = IPV4_ADDR_SUBNET
>>> Network                  = d.d.d.d_net
>>> Netmask                  = d.d.d.d_netmask
>>> [Default-Main-Mode]
>>> DOI                      = IPSEC
>>> Exchange_Type            = ID_PROT
>>> Transforms               = 3DES-SHA
>>> [Default-Quick-Mode]
>>> DOI                      = IPSEC
>>> Exchange_Type            = QUICK_MODE
>>> Suites                   = QM-ESP-3DES-SHA-SUITE
>>> [3DES-SHA]
>>> HASH_ALGORITHM           = SHA
>>> GROUP_DESCRIPTION        = MODP_1024
>>> Life                     = LIFE_3600_SECS
>>> Protocols                = QM-ESP-3DES-SHA
>>> Protocols                = QM-ESP-3DES-SHA-PFS
>>> PROTOCOL_ID              = IPSEC_ESP
>>> Transforms               = QM-ESP-3DES-SHA-XF
>>> PROTOCOL_ID              = IPSEC_ESP
>>> Transforms               = QM-ESP-3DES-SHA-PFS-XF
>>> PROTOCOL_ID              = IPSEC_ESP
>>> Transforms               = QM-ESP-3DES-SHA-TRP-XF
>>> TRANSFORM_ID             = 3DES
>>> Life                     = LIFE_28800_SECS
>>> TRANSFORM_ID             = 3DES
>>> GROUP_DESCRIPTION        = MODP_1024
>>> Life                     = LIFE_28800_SECS
>>> TRANSFORM_ID             = 3DES
>>> Life                     = LIFE_28800_SECS
>>> [LIFE_3600_SECS]
>>> LIFE_TYPE                = SECONDS
>>> LIFE_DURATION            = 3600,1800:7200
>>> [LIFE_28800_SECS]
>>> LIFE_TYPE               = SECONDS
>>> LIFE_DURATION             = 28800
>>> -- isakmpd.conf --
>>> After this i am able to get threw first phase.
>>> But i am unable to get the second.
>>> Here it is my debug:
>>> -- isakmpd -d -DA=10 --
>>> 164003.690124 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 10 for 
>>> class 0 [priv]
>>> 164003.690315 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 10 for 
>>> class 1 [priv]
>>> 164003.690379 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 10 for 
>>> class 2 [priv]
>>> 164003.690437 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 10 for 
>>> class 3 [priv]
>>> 164003.690493 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 10 for 
>>> class 4 [priv]
>>> 164003.690554 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 10 for 
>>> class 5 [priv]
>>> 164003.690610 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 10 for 
>>> class 6 [priv]
>>> 164003.690670 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 10 for 
>>> class 7 [priv]
>>> 164003.690726 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 10 for 
>>> class 8 [priv]
>>> 164003.690787 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 10 for 
>>> class 9 [priv]
>>> 164003.690844 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 10 for 
>>> class 10 [priv]
>>> 164003.691747 Misc 10 monitor_init: privileges dropped for child process
>>> 164003.839514 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event 
>>> connection_checker(0x8848bdf0) added last, expiration in 0s
>>> 164003.841346 Timr 10 timer_handle_expirations: event 
>>> connection_checker(0x8848bdf0)
>>> 164003.841426 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event 
>>> connection_checker(0x8848bdf0) added last, expiration in 60s
>>> 164003.841595 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event 
>>> exchange_free_aux(0x85b87500) added last, expiration in 120s
>>> 164003.841694 Exch 10 exchange_establish_p1: 0x85b87500 HP 
>>> Default-Main-Mode policy initiator phase 1 doi 1 exchange 2 step 0
>>> 164003.841759 Exch 10 exchange_establish_p1: icookie 89c5123a508af611 
>>> rcookie 0000000000000000
>>> 164003.841824 Exch 10 exchange_establish_p1: msgid 00000000
>>> 164003.842106 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event 
>>> message_send_expire(0x82fcc380) added before 
>>> connection_checker(0x8848bdf0), expiration in 7s
>>> 164003.915645 Timr 10 timer_remove_event: removing event 
>>> message_send_expire(0x82fcc380)
>>> 164003.915747 Exch 10 nat_t_check_vendor_payload: NAT-T capable peer 
>>> detected
>>> 164003.915881 Exch 10 exchange_handle_leftover_payloads: unexpected 
>>> payload VENDOR
>>> 164003.927145 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event 
>>> message_send_expire(0x82fcc380) added before 
>>> connection_checker(0x8848bdf0), expiration in 7s
>>> 164004.016036 Timr 10 timer_remove_event: removing event 
>>> message_send_expire(0x82fcc380)
>>> 164004.028960 Exch 10 exchange_handle_leftover_payloads: unexpected 
>>> payload VENDOR
>>> 164004.029187 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event 
>>> message_send_expire(0x82fcc500) added before 
>>> connection_checker(0x8848bdf0), expiration in 7s
>>> 164004.201816 Timr 10 timer_remove_event: removing event 
>>> message_send_expire(0x82fcc500)
>>> 164004.201919 Default ipsec_validate_id_information: dubious ID 
>>> information accepted
>>> 164004.201986 Exch 10 dpd_check_vendor_payload: DPD capable peer detected
>>> 164004.202091 Exch 10 exchange_finalize: 0x85b87500 HP Default-Main-Mode 
>>> policy initiator phase 1 doi 1 exchange 2 step 5
>>> 164004.202156 Exch 10 exchange_finalize: icookie 89c5123a508af611 rcookie 
>>> 18b62c758e254f26
>>> 164004.202212 Exch 10 exchange_finalize: msgid 00000000
>>> 164004.202307 Exch 10 exchange_finalize: phase 1 done: initiator id 
>>> 53ee0ef5: b.b.b.b_public_ip, responder id 0fcba9e1: c.c.c.c_public_ip, 
>>> src: b.b.b.b_public_ip dst: c.c.c.c_public_ip
>>> 164004.202380 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event sa_soft_expire(0x85b87900) 
>>> added last, expiration in 3124s
>>> 164004.202443 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event sa_hard_expire(0x85b87900) 
>>> added last, expiration in 3600s
>>> 164004.202536 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event 
>>> exchange_free_aux(0x85b87c00) added before sa_soft_expire(0x85b87900), 
>>> expiration in 120s
>>> 164004.202609 Exch 10 exchange_establish_p2: 0x85b87c00 LINK 
>>> Default-Quick-Mode policy initiator phase 2 doi 1 exchange 32 step 0
>>> 164004.202670 Exch 10 exchange_establish_p2: icookie 89c5123a508af611 
>>> rcookie 18b62c758e254f26
>>> 164004.202736 Exch 10 exchange_establish_p2: msgid 92fba8ce sa_list
>>> 164004.203164 Timr 10 timer_remove_event: removing event 
>>> exchange_free_aux(0x85b87500)
>>> 164004.203278 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event 
>>> message_send_expire(0x82fcc680) added before 
>>> connection_checker(0x8848bdf0), expiration in 7s
>>> 164004.288093 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event 
>>> exchange_free_aux(0x85b87500) added before sa_soft_expire(0x85b87900), 
>>> expiration in 120s
>>> 164004.288162 Exch 10 exchange_setup_p2: 0x85b87500 <unnamed> <no policy> 
>>> policy responder phase 2 doi 1 exchange 5 step 0
>>> 164004.288222 Exch 10 exchange_setup_p2: icookie 89c5123a508af611 rcookie 
>>> 18b62c758e254f26
>>> 164004.288278 Exch 10 exchange_setup_p2: msgid f4674a28 sa_list
>>> 164004.288347 Timr 10 timer_remove_event: removing event 
>>> sa_hard_expire(0x85b87900)
>>> 164004.288406 Timr 10 timer_remove_event: removing event 
>>> sa_soft_expire(0x85b87900)
>>> 164004.288475 Exch 10 exchange_finalize: 0x85b87500 <unnamed> <no policy> 
>>> policy responder phase 2 doi 1 exchange 5 step 0
>>> 164004.288535 Exch 10 exchange_finalize: icookie 89c5123a508af611 rcookie 
>>> 18b62c758e254f26
>>> 164004.288596 Exch 10 exchange_finalize: msgid f4674a28 sa_list
>>> 164004.288654 Timr 10 timer_remove_event: removing event 
>>> exchange_free_aux(0x85b87500)
>>> 164011.216819 Timr 10 timer_handle_expirations: event 
>>> message_send_expire(0x82fcc680)
>>> 164011.217085 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event 
>>> message_send_expire(0x82fcc680) added before 
>>> connection_checker(0x8848bdf0), expiration in 9s
>>> 164020.226826 Timr 10 timer_handle_expirations: event 
>>> message_send_expire(0x82fcc680)
>>> 164020.227092 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event 
>>> message_send_expire(0x82fcc680) added before 
>>> connection_checker(0x8848bdf0), expiration in 11s
>>> 164031.236823 Timr 10 timer_handle_expirations: event 
>>> message_send_expire(0x82fcc680)
>>> 164031.237085 Default transport_send_messages: giving up on exchange 
>>> LINK, no response from peer c.c.c.c_public_ip:500
>>> -- isakmpd -d -DA=10 --
>>> I am really bad in understanding this logs.
>>> We can see is that:
>>> xchange_finalize: phase 1 done: initiator id 53ee0ef5: b.b.b.b_public_ip, 
>>> responder id 0fcba9e1: c.c.c.c_public_ip, src: b.b.b.b_public_ip dst: 
>>> c.c.c.c_public_ip
>>> But still nothing about second phase.
>>> Thanks for any help.
>>> Mariusz Makowski
>> I just tried other configuration with ipsecctl with same result.
>> I will check other site then. I will keep You up to date, if anyone is 
>> interested.
>> -- /etc/ipsec.conf --
>> ike esp tunnel from b.b.b.b_public_ip to c.c.c.c_public_ip \
>>  main auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 \
>>  quick auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 \
>>  psk "somekey"
>> ike esp tunnel from a.a.a.a_net to d.d.d.d_net peer c.c.c.c_public_ip \
>>  main auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 \
>>  quick auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 \
>>  psk "somekey"
>> -- /etc/ipsec.conf --
>> Regards,
>> Mariusz Makowski

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