On Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 02:39:16PM -0600, Jack Woehr wrote:
> Philip Guenther wrote:
>> Hmm, I don't see that error message in the stock /bin/cp or /bin/rm.
>> Are you running your own version of them or have shell script wrappers
>> for them or something?  What's the output of "which cp rm"?
> Is it maybe builtin to ksh? Besides, the error message is probably from  
> a runtime lib, right?
> Anway:

Try `type rm` (is it not an alias to /usr/local/bin/gnu-rm or
something like that ?) and `strings $(which rm)` (does the binary
contain this 'Invalid character in program' string ?).

Also compare the md5 sum of your /bin/rm with the sum from a clean
install of 4.3 (assuming this is a -RELEASE version you're running).

>    $ echo $SHELL
>    /bin/ksh
>    $ which rm
>    /bin/rm
>    $ ls -l ccreply.rex
>    -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  4674 Oct  3 12:11 ccreply.rex
>    $ whoami
>    jax
>    $ rm ccreply.rex
>    override rwxr-xr-x  root/wheel for ccreply.rex? y
>    rm: ccreply.rex: Invalid character in program
>    $ uname -a
>    OpenBSD elephant.jaxrcfb 4.3 4.3#0 i386

I, for one, have never seen that error before ;)


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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