On Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 03:44:37PM -0600, Jack Woehr wrote:
> Philip Guenther wrote:
>> What's the output of
>>   ktrace rm ccreply.rex
>>   kdump | egrep -A1 -B2 'execv|errno'
> You answered it.
> Look here:
> 16524 rm       CALL  open(0xcfbd1e60,0,0)
> 16524 rm       NAMI  "/opt/ooRexx/bin/rexx.cat" <<<<
> Hmm ...

  might've saved you time by trying literally

$ /bin/cp file file.bak

  after having received the 'Invalid character in program' message
  when doing

$ cp file file.bak

  as far as 'wtf is going on with cp(1)', maybe would've hinted at
  "you are executing something other than /bin/cp" earlier in the game.



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