On 2008-10-20, Uwe Dippel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [I read all postings in the archive AFAIK]
> Just started with CF on embedded hardware advertised to run OpenBSD; 
> ARInfoTek. It does run OpenBSD very well!
> Now I want the embedded system to run off CF; the board has a CF socket 
> to be wd0.
> 4.2 runs out of the box, but with very slow access of files. The CF is 
> reasonably fast, though, with ~6MB at 'dd'. But once it has to access 
> files for r/w, it gets very slow.
> I found some postings that 4.3 would be better, but the install of 4.3 
> here mainly -stalled- and took a good hour, from a local ftp-site.
> locate.updatedb is incredibly fast, while some file extraction takes ages.
> It looks like a large, single, file copies very fast, similar to 'dd'. 
> But opening a file for r/w seems to take ages. Something like
> tar -C /tmp -xzphf etc43.tgz
> takes a minute, easily. And etc43.tgz is only 1.2MB.
> Copying of this file is quick:
> $ date &&  cp etc43.tgz demo && date
> Mon Oct 20 11:29:15 SGT 2008
> Mon Oct 20 11:29:16 SGT 2008

How are you doing the install?

If it's from a running system rather than the installer, 
you might want to "mount -uoasync /" (and /usr if it's on a
separate filesystem) to avoid rewriting the directories
quite so many times.

Note that erasing/rewriting CF is very slow; when even
one bit moves from 0 to 1 the whole flash block must be
erased and copied to another one.

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