On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 9:33 AM, Neko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  WO obviously you read what you want to read,
>  i have being using openbsd since 2.6 and contributing, so
>  please read before posting.

What did you contribute?
    Code and commentary (wish lists) are NOT the same thing.

> ihave being wanted this request since 3.7.

 Have you tried to hack in FreeBSD's FUSE and NTFS-3G yourself?
    If you have what errors are you having? People are more likely to help
if you're showing some efforts yourself.

    As a matter of curiosity why in the name of all that is good in the
universe are you interested in using NTFS anyways?
    It is by NO means a common denominator when it comest to the varied
scope of OSs available on the planet.

nothing has being done, allthou a project like backtrack,
>  released it in their first month of deployment.

Uhm Backtrack is a GNU/Linux system, implementing FUSE/NTFS-3G on it is a
doddle 'cause uhm oh yes the code was originally written on that tool chain.

> a computer is a lock , code is the key, and for some reason
>  your saying some keys shouldnt be used but are used.

Some projects take licensing very seriously for a good reason, they have a
moral/philosophical reason for not including GPL code in OpenBSD-base. One
of the reason's that for some of my projects I choose OpenBSD is this moral
stand point.
    Other's are less strict about this, I stand corrected but I think that
FreeBSD is more lax about this (only until a suitable replacement code piece
is found).

> you getting digital dusted here, im suggesting and your
>  flaming back to either get the f out or got to microsoft

You are guilty of the flaming sin yourself, heal thy self physician.


See above comment.

> thanks for everything
>  leaveing you for tech for good

Changing mailing lists without changing attitude will land you up with the
same problems.
    I'm under correction but I think a LOT of the people on the MISC list
are probably also on TECH.


Hey actually does read this list, and answers too sometimes (mostly brief
BUT hey it is him at least).

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