Nick Holland wrote:
Mihai Popescu B.S. wrote:
I got the install44.iso and MD5 from snapshots from and the MD5 file failed the test.
I got the MD5 from and run it against the
install44.iso from openbsd.informatik[...] and it reports OK.
Comparing the two MD5 files, there are major differences, looks like
the MD5 from informatik is wrong.
Not sure if it is still true, but the installXX.iso files were
made in a separate step from the rest of the snapshot, so the
MD5 numbers for it may not always be accurate
I've been corrected, the MD5 numbers SHOULD be accurate for installXX.iso.
You probably got a mid-upload file.
(or a file that changed before/after the MD5 file.
or a file that got corrupted along the way
or ...)