Hello Damian/Claer/misc,

Thanks for your feedback,

Just a bit more background...
Here is some of my reasoning for wanting to do trap handling and
There are several advantages to having the devices send only one trap to
a central system.
1) Less configuration on the devices (and also less load, though not a
big problem anymore). This is not really a problem for small
installations, but once you have 500+ devices to configure, it is easy to
do the maths.
2) Easier to administer centrally by making profiles based on source
addresses etc.
3) Maintaining the source address in the trap udp header.

I have looked at "trap exploders" (my guess is that you are referring to
CA's trap exploder?), but a lot of these store and forward the traps,
thereby issuing new packets with a source address of the trap exploder.
Perhaps Claers idea of proxying with net-snmp is a way to do it (but I
have a feeling this might be store and forward too... I'll check it out

Anyway, thanks for all the tips :)
Much appreciated,

On Tue Nov 4 22:16 , Damian Gerow sent:

  Claer wrote:
  : > Thanks for the answer, I guess dup-to isn4t the right tool
  : > Has anyone tried to achieve what I am trying to do though?
  : > I am obviously open to other ideas.
  : Maybe I'll give you a wrong path but, did you looked at "proxying"
  : trap with net-snmp ?
  : Direct the original trap to your firewall (carped ?) and then when
  : trap arrives on it, ask net-snmp to send serveral traps to the
  : supervision servers.

  I can't help but feel that the OP is trying to use the wrong tool for
  job. There are two really good options when dealing with what he's
  to do:

  1) Configure multiple SNMP trap destinations in the client. Any
  decent SNMP stack supports trapping to more than one destination. But
  the cases this doesn't work...

  2) Investigate a trap exploder. Heck, you could even run it right on
  firewall itself, as Claer has suggested. (In fact, this is *exactly*
  Claer suggested, only I've called it a fancy name: trap exploder.)

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