On Saturday 15 November 2008 18:08:23 David wrote:
> in /etc/rc
> comment out the lines:
> if [ X"${sendmail_flags}" != X"NO" -a -s /etc/mailer.conf ]; then
>       echo -n ' sendmail';            ( /usr/sbin/sendmail ${sendmail_flags} 
> >/dev/null
> 2>&1 & )
> fi
> Doug Milam wrote:
> > To cut down on services I don't use, I'd like to disable sendmail, unless
> > this is unwise. If so, I'd like to know why. Thanks.

The better way to do this is look at /etc/rc.conf, where you will find

# For normal use: "-L sm-mta -bd -q30m", and note there is a cron job
sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -C/etc/mail/localhost.cf -bd -q30m"
spamd_flags=NO          # for normal use: "" and see spamd(8)
spamd_black=NO          # set to YES to run spamd without greylisting
spamlogd_flags=""       # use eg. "-i interface" and see spamlogd(8)

Take the sendmail_flags line and make a commented out copy of it
and then add


Don't tweak system files unless you really have to.  rc.conf controls
a lot, and is the proper way to change how the system works.

--STeve Andre'

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