I don't like responding to my own thread but I really need
help with this one, so I'll try to rephrase the question:

The remote tunnel endpoint expects traffic originating from
a specific ip address - the internal ip of the firewall.

How can I achieve this?

/ Danial

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 1:11 PM, do <d...@meyl.fo> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having some problems routing traffic through a isakmp
> vpn tunnel.
> I have a tunnel successfully set up between my OpenBSD 3.8
> and a Cisco 7200 router.
> I'm not good at ascii art, but here's how I see it:
> $int_if =
> $remote_host =
>  $int_if <----> enc0 <----> $ext_if |----> (internet)
>   |               |============> $remote_gw <-->
>   |
>   |
> $internal_host
> There are ACLs on the $remote_gw which only allow traffic
> NATed with my $int_if ip. Hence this nat in pf.conf:
> nat on enc0 inet from $int_net to $remote_host -> $int_if
> I've established that the flows exist:
> # netstat -rn -f encap
> $remote_host/32 0   $int_if/32      0   0
> $remote_gw/50/use/in
> $int_if/32      0   $remote_host/32 0   0
> $remote_gw/50/require/out
> # ipsecctl -s flow
> flow esp in from $remote_host to $int_if peer $remote_gw
> flow esp out from $int_if to $remote_host peer $remote_gw
> What I CAN do is ping the $remote_host through the tunnel
> from the $int_if with the following command:
> # ping -I $int_if $remote_host
> This works and replies are received!
> But if if try pinging from the $internal_host:
> c:\> ping $remote_host
> This doesn't work. The packets are not sent through the
> tunnel but to the internet.
> I've tried this route-to line in pf.conf:
> pass in log quick on $int_if route-to enc0 from $int_net
> $remote_host keep state
> And by running tcpdump on pflog0 I can see that packets
> matched:
> rule 16/(match) pass out on enc0: $int_if > $remote_host:
> icmp: echo request
> But no traffic is sent through the tunnel.
> Why are pings sent from the $internal_host not matched to
> the flow/route and sent through the corresponding tunnel?
> Any help is appreciated in resolving this issue!
> - Danial

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