Todd T. Fries wrote:
> There are power savings for 802.11 that OpenBSD does not support; this is
> entirely independent from saving battery via cpu clocking and it is also
> entirely independent from saving battery via adjusting the transmit power
> of the radio.  The power savings for 802.11 actually put the radio to sleep
> for a given interval and wake it up sending a message to the AP which is
> supposed to hold packets for a given client until the client responds,
> which OpenBSD does not do, therefore packetloss ensues.
> I know this very well, my BlackBerry Pearl 8120 gets 90-95% packet loss
> with an OpenBSD based AP.
> Damien is aware of what needs doing, but I am to understand it is not a
> short or easy road to get there.

I believe I am seeing this problem with a new ral
in a Soekris 4801.  Over the holidays, I added:

GigaByte GN-WI01GS:

ral0 at pci0 dev 14 function 0 "Ralink RT2561S" rev 0x00: irq 11, address 
ral0: MAC/BBP RT2561C, RF RT2527

Wanting to show off to some friends, I tried connecting
with a Linux laptop via WAP2.

When connection is made, it works well for a few minutes,
at which time it exhibits the above described behavior.
At first I thought it was me.  Now I wish it were.

I'm confused on one point though, is this issue specific
to ral or 802.11 in general?  My knowledge of things 802.11
is spotty at best.  In other words, can I work around this
by using a different MiniPCI card?

I'll happily donate the card to someone who volunteers to
work on this.

Regards all,

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