On Sun, Feb 01, 2009 at 02:01:03PM +0100, Dorian B?ttner wrote:
> Hi all,
> is there an easy way to fetch a package along with it's recursive 
> dependencies? Scenario is:
> eee904ha does not have network access at all right now. In order to 
> proceed installing useful things, let's say firefox, I'd like to suck 
> packages onto a usb stick and installl from there.
> I thought I could go to the soekris box, which unfortunately isn't that 
> -current, and do something like pkg_add -n mozilla -firefox,  but the 
> output is totally garbled with libc mismatches and things like that.
> Any idea?
> Thanks,
> Dorian

Set the PKG_PATH env variable. Then, if a particular package can't be
found, the directories in the PKG_PATH are searched. That way, you can
stick the ftp server in there and if the package isn't installed already
or in a local dir, it'll fetch it from the ftp site.

You can stick it in your ~/.bashrc, ~/.cshrc whatever.

It's colon delimited and each dir/path needs to be terminated with a '/'


Hope this helps.

Steve Laurie

Hey! It compiles! Ship it!

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