Hi, thanks for your reply. I have read it several times, and now +1
and I have tried numerous times to made it work.

This is how I did the last time:

ext_if=         "{ fxp0 }"
client=         "{ }"
mirror=         "{ }"
server=         "{ }"

rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from $client to $mirror port 1:65535 -> $server
no nat on $ext_if proto tcp from $ext_if to $ext_if
nat on $ext_if proto tcp from $client to $mirror port 1:65535 -> $ext_if

Maybe It's completely wrong but I'm not skilled enough to figure it
out and I need help to solve it. I have read every thing I can imagine
on the FAQ at openbsd.org och the man pages according to pf.conf

Then I target $mirror on ANY port from $client I want the mirror to
connect to the $server

Best Regards Johan Ryberg aka rancor

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> On 2009/02/11 13:13, rancor wrote:
>> Thanks Stuart but it did not help me all the way
>> The example assumes that you want to redirect a specific port but I
>> want to redirect any port to from a specific IP to another specific
>> IP.
>> May you explain how to make it work?
> see the pf.conf manual, TRANSLATION section.

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