On 2009/02/28 12:10, Pereresus ne Vlezaet Buggy wrote:
> On 28 February 2009 ?. 01:58:29 Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > On 2009-02-27, Pete Vickers <p...@systemnet.no> wrote:
> > > The bge driver sucks for these cards - just chuck in an em(4) NIC
> > > and you should see instant improvement.
> > >
> > > 'netstat -I bge0' will confirm the packet errors
> >
> > this was fixed a year ago.
> Maybe not fully fixed, here is some sort of suscipious output from DL120 G5:

maybe you have a faulty cable or switch-port or nic.

> Name    Mtu   Network     Address              Ipkts Ierrs    Opkts Oerrs 
> Colls
> lo0     33160 <Link>                           44550     0    44550     0     > 0
> lo0     33160 localhost   localhost.corp.ar    44550     0    44550     0     > 0
> lo0     33160 localhost.c localhost.corp.ar    44550     0    44550     0     > 0
> lo0     33160 fe80::%lo0/ fe80::1%lo0          44550     0    44550     0     > 0
> em0     1500  <Link>      00:15:17:93:a1:04  3981794     0  3588281     0     > 0
> em0     1500  89-235-155- 89-235-155-228.ad  3981794     0  3588281     0     > 0
> em0     1500  fe80::%em0/ fe80::215:17ff:fe  3981794     0  3588281     0     > 0
> em1     1500  <Link>      00:15:17:93:a1:05   867952     0   325838     0     > 0
> em1     1500  213.234.230     867952     0   325838     0     > 0
> em1     1500  fe80::%em1/ fe80::215:17ff:fe   867952     0   325838     0     > 0
> em2     1500  <Link>      00:1f:29:54:2f:78  1921436     0    16203     0     > 0
> em2     1500  193.168.1/2        1921436     0    16203     0     > 0
> em2     1500  fe80::%em2/ fe80::21f:29ff:fe  1921436     0    16203     0     > 0
> em3     1500  <Link>      00:1f:29:54:2f:79 32213605     0    13069     0     > 0
> em3     1500  192.168.0/2       32213605     0    13069     0     > 0
> em3     1500  fe80::%em3/ fe80::21f:29ff:fe 32213605     0    13069     0     > 0
> bge0    1500  <Link>      00:1f:29:0e:7b:57  9977060   654  5961231     0     > 0
> bge0    1500  192.168.1/2 proxy.corp.arbat2  9977060   654  5961231     0     > 0
> bge0    1500  fe80::%bge0 fe80::21f:29ff:fe  9977060   654  5961231     0     > 0
> bge0    1500  192.168.200    9977060   654  5961231     0     > 0
> enc0*   1536  <Link>                               0     0        0     0     > 0
> pflog0  33160 <Link>                               0     0   212721     0     > 0
> pflog1  33160 <Link>                               0     0        4     0     > 0
> pflow0  1464  <Link>                               0     0        0     0     > 0
> pflog2* 33160 <Link>                               0     0     7956     0     > 0
> -- 
>   WBR,
>     Pereresus ne Vlezaet Buggy

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