Thank you all for the interesting discussion on this issue.
I can't prove it but I think I have gained at least one IQ
point just from the privilege of reading said responses.

In my case, I think the answer boils down to the fact that
it doesn't seem possible to implement a rule that blocks
these packets while still using packet normalization (scrub)
since scrub is the first thing that sees a packet and drops
the FIN on a packet that has SYN+FIN set (at least that is
how I understand it).

At this point, I don't think I want to stop using scrub just
to get a "fail" that doesn't apply to OpenBSD off of my
report.  Not when I can just as easily put in an appeal
along with proof that this particular "vulnerability"
doesn't apply to OpenBSD (see initial message for link if
you are interested).

Again, thanks to those who responded. I have learned a lot
from your efforts.  Also, a very special thank you to all
the developers of OpenBSD/OpenSSH for all the hard work that
you do.  I have said it before, and say it again; "OpenBSD
makes me look smart" (which is not always an easy task).

Stuart van Zee

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