Linus Swdlas schrieb:
> On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 14:45:44 +0100, Laurens Vets <> wrote:
>> Laurens Vets wrote:
>>> Alexandre Verriere wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>> Laurens Vets a icrit :
>>>>>>> My boss ask how to move current obsd server to virtualiaztion ( such
>>>>>>> as  openvz, vmare , etc ) .
>>>>>>> anyone in here sucsess moving obsd to Environment  virtualization (
>>>>>>> openvz , vmware  etc ) , may be want share to me ?
>>>>>>> So obsd become guest OS  ?
>>>>>>> ps: i'm so sory to ask this because Efficiency  and reduce IT cost .
>>>>>>> thank's
>>>>>> Works great for me under VMware.
>>>>>>     /  L
>>>>> How are you shutting down the OpenBSD guest when you stop VMware?
>>>>> Manually?
>>>> This can be achieved with FreeBSD compt turned on this way:
>>>> halt the obsd guest then set his type to freebsd and back up install
>>>> the
>>>> vmware tools:
>>>> mount /dev/cd0c /mnt
>>>> tar -xzf /mnt/vmware-freebsd-tools.tar.gz -C /tmp
>>>> mkdir -p /emul/freebsd/sbin
>>>> install -m 555 -o root -g wheel
>>>> /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib/lib/sbin32/vmware-guestd /emul/freebsd/sbin
>>>> cp -r /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib/etc /etc/vmware-tools
>>>> then tune your sysctl.conf
>>>>  kern.emul.freebsd=1
>>>> Add this one to your rc.local:
>>>> if [ -x /emul/freebsd/sbin/vmware-guestd ]; then
>>>>     echo -n ' vmware-tools'
>>>>     /emul/freebsd/sbin/vmware-guestd --background
>>>> /var/run/ --halt-command "/sbin/shutdown -p -h now"
>>>>  fi
>>>> Now you can use vmware scripts to automate power management of your vm.
>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>  Doesn't work for me.  Vmware-guestd doesn't want to run and the
>>> message "Abort trap" is printed...
>> Btw, this is on OpenBSD 4.4 i386 and VMware Server 2.0
> I use VMWare Workstation 6.5.1 which, as far as I know, uses the same
> hw-compat as Server 2.0 and it sometimes bring my whole machine down
> when running OpenBSD 4.4. The crashes are quite random.
> Difficult to determine the problem for me though as I changed hardware,
> and thus OS, and changed from Workstation 6.0 to 6.5 and OpenBSD-version
> to 4.4 at the same time. =)
> Previous versions has worked wonders.
> I'm kinda curious on if it would be possible to figure out what the
> changes are and write a DoS-sploit for VMware/host-OS from it. =)
> Host OS would be a Linux 64-bit on Core2Duo if anyone wondered.
Hello Again,

I can confirm that using the tools from 1.0.8 in a virtual machine with
hardware version 7 on VmServer 2.0 works. (and vmware tells you to
upgrade the tools, what you shouldn't do)
So the wiki
could be updated.

The freebsd.iso can be found in (/usr)/lib/isoimages from an 1.0.8
installation or in the tar.gz.

next step would be to use the new tools and find out which libs are
needed. Maybe Markus has some news tomorrow.


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