Am 18.03.2009 um 09:13 schrieb sonjaya:


My boss ask how to move current obsd server to virtualiaztion ( such
as  openvz, vmare , etc ) .
anyone in here sucsess moving obsd to Environment  virtualization (
openvz , vmware  etc ) , may be want share to me ?
So obsd become guest OS  ?

I am running OpenBSD under VMware Fusion on Mac OS X and
on ESXi.  These virtual machines are used internally only, for
development, testing, package building.  No problems, so far.

Machines that are exposed to the internet run on real hardware,
for security reasons. I don't trust the underlying virtualization software
to be secure/stable/good.

ps: i'm so sory to ask this because Efficiency  and reduce IT cost .

And, quite obviously, reduce stability and after all security.

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