
Thank you Theo and your team of developers for OpenBSD.

Some people responding to the "European Orders" thread seem to have lost sight 
of what OpenBSD is and who develops it. I am a bit of a newbie here (although I 
have been using computers in my career since 1972), but it seems to me that 
OpenBSD is developed by people who donate their own time and expertise to the 
project. Theo draws an  income but few others do. OpenBSD is given away freely 
because of the good grace of Theo and the team. If you choose to pay for CDs 
then this is a donation, is it not? If you do not want to donate, Theo allows 
you to download for free.

Who are these people who think that they can question the motivation, honesty 
and accounting procedures of the OpenBSD team who give people free access to 
their project? Here we have a team of people donating their own time to make 
this fantastic OS available for free and people think they have the right to 
flame them? Because they donated $50? Give us all a break...

Have you heard the proverb about not biting the hand that feeds you? Theo and 
his team give this OS to us because they choose to do so, not because they have 
to. They do not have to give it away. Do you have any idea of the salary Theo 
and the other developers could command at Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Sun, HP, ... 
God forbid.

I am an academic who also runs a consultancy. I intend to start making heavy 
use of OpenBSD in my teaching and consultancy over the next year or two, not 
sooner because of various unrelated reasons. Theo, when I make my first dollar 
using OpenBSD your project will get a percentage, and the same for as long as I 
use it, and what you choose to do with the money is your business. You can use 
it to buy food, shelter and even mountain bikes if you wish!

As I said, I am new to OpenBSD and my first purchase will be the 4.5 CDs. Go to 
town, Theo, the $50 is all yours.

Please keep doing what you are doing! Many of us appreciate you and what your 
team do for us.

Bill Chivers

William J. Chivers
Lecturer in Information Technology
School of DCIT
Faculty of Science and Information Technology
University of Newcastle---Ourimbah Campus
PO Box 127, Ourimbah, NSW 2259
CRICOS Provider Number: 00109J 

phone:   +61 2 4349 4473
fax:     +61 2 4349 4565
email:  william.chiv...@newcastle.edu.au

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