> -----Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: "Alexander Bochmann" <a...@lists.gxis.de>
> Gesendet: 31.03.09 18:17:21
> An: misc@openbsd.org
> Betreff: Re: European orders

> As for the bickering about details of obviously undocumented
> arrangements - well, they are just that: undocumented arrangements.
> Can work, can lead into a disaster, with a certain longterm bias to
> the second option, when money is involved. No surprises there.

Well spoken!

Some people obviously are too ignorant to realize that it's Theo and his
fellow developers who make a donation to the world: They give away the result
of their outstanding private efforts to build an OS according to their ideals
FOR FREE (and some other programs like OpenSSH, etc.)! OpenBSD is Theos and
his friends private passion! This is not a public not-for-profit
organization. Some people should keep that in mind when mailing here! From my
personal point of view Theo has shared a lot of information that I feel is no
one else business!

BTW: With Theos well-known temper in mind his statements on this issue are
remarkable generous what might well be interpreted as his respect for Wim and
the job he did for the project.

If Bob (not Theo!) feels that the way distributing CDs to Europe needs to be
re-adjusted (yes, I make a living as a business consultant) he does it in
the light of his responsibility for his business and the terms and conditions
he has agreed on to deliver to Europe. Calm down folks: Theo only made public
that after 4.5 the central European distribution via kd86.com will have come
to an end. There are other ways to support the project, there will be other
distributors who jump in to fill the gap  and if Bob, Theo and Wim settle for
a reasonable agreement kd85.com might be one of them.

Full stop.


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