I've not been to many OpenBSD events in Europe, but at most of the
ones I attended, I've been behind Wim's booth, selling OpenBSD
merchandise to help the project.  The thing we sold most were
T-shirts, and Wim made everyone believe that by buying T-shirts they
would financially support the project.  Now if you ever tried to have
T-shirts printed in small quantities, you'll realise that a EUR 15,--
T-shirt won't make you much more profit than EUR 2,-- or so.  But it's
still some money and the design of the T-shirts is nice enough that
people will actually wear them and promote OpenBSD that way...

...except that it turns out that the profits of the T-shirt never went
to the project.  Theo allowed distributors to sell the shirts for a
profit to become strong distributors of CD's (that are much more

Of course I paid for going to these events completely out of my own
pocket, and even though the Netherlands is a small country, most
events are further away from my home than Wim's, while Wim paid for
his travel expenses out of OpenBSD (donation) money.

I feel used.  Other developers must feel even more used, especially
those who helped packing CD's for distribution which now turn out to
have contributed the project far less than they should have.


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