On Thu, April 16, 2009 12:52, Rodolfo Gouveia wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 12:10:19PM -0300, Nenhum_de_Nos wrote:
>> I have a t5xxx also and want to do the same, but if I use usb flash
>> (tried
>> and worked fine), how to limit at max disk writes ? so the flash can
>> live
>> longer ...
> From section 14.17.2 of the FAQ:
> "Write fatigue": Much has been written about the finite number of times an
> individual flash cell can be rewritten before failure. Practically
> speaking,
> however, there are many ways a flash device can fail, write fatigue is
> just
> one of them. Modern flash devices will verify writes, and in the event of
> failure, will automatically remap the failed sectors with one of the many
> spare sectors. Most users with most flash devices will not have to worry
> about "write fatigue". You would probably experience more down time due to
> failure of "clever" tricks done to avoid writing to the flash drive than
> you will by just using the drives as read-write media.

that I was known, I just want to be sure it won't die out of a sudden.
thanks anyway.

and marco, yep I know they're cheap, my issue is not knowing the rate its
write count is going so not be get by surprise.

bob, sorry, I can't help you there.



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