
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 10:18:12PM +0200, Juan Jimenez Galdos wrote:
>Sorry, I pressed enter.

Strange software to "punish" you for a mere press of enter.

>I add to sudoers (cd0 is the directory in /mnt/):
>db     ALL=/sbin/mount /cd0,/sbin/umount /cd0

>But when I try "mount /dev/cd0c /mnt/cd0" and i write the password it says
>"try again", and i have written the password correctly.

Your own password?  (Remember, sudo asks the *user*'s password!)

>I am trying to do
>the same without password:

>db     ALL=NOPASSWD:/sbin/mount /cd0,/sbin/umount /cd0

>But something is wrong, and it says "password:".

>Thank you very much.

I'm not sure, but might perhaps a space after "NOPASSWD:" be needed?

Try sudo -l.

Kind regards,


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