> I was comming late to the show since I was enjoying my holliday.
> Please confirm or deny the theory I got from the long thread.
> I got the ideea that Wim received the CDs from source with 40% from
> the real price. Then, Wim must return the 60% "profit" back to the
> store.

no, no no no no.

He was supposed to keep 40% for each CD.  Instead, he kept 40% + 45%.

> How I see it is Wim has no profit from strictly CD selling only. To
> compensate this, Theo allowed Wim to use designs and art from OpenBSD
> in order to sell the tshirts and puppets. Wim could keep the entire
> profits from those, and can add soekris stuff.

No.  I gave him that on top of the 40% he was supposed to get as profit.
We expected him to pay the rest back.

> The facts are simple, if I get it right: if the CD set is $100, Wim
> will pay $40 to it, sell it on $100 pay $40 to the store and return
> back $60 to the projects. One can verify quick and easy if Wim did
> what he agreed with Theo: multiply the number of shipped CDs with
> price and see if Wim returned the money.
> Is all this correct ?

No.  You have it wrong.  Go back to reading school.

> As Theo said many times, do not mix here donations and other stuff.
> When I saw the picture of Wim for the first time (
> http://www.kd85.com/images/Wim.jpg ) I said "Oh, what a sale agent
> picture. This is more like a business than an open source stuff !" But
> I am not entitled to judge by picture. I'm very sad for this news.
> Can someone post a picture with Wim's news house. Just to see if it's
> a good match for the watch.
> Thanks

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