On 2009-04-22, Gregory Edigarov <g...@bestnet.kharkov.ua> wrote:
> Hello list,
> I think spamd users would like to try this small utility.
> Although its development is in the very beginning  it does its  job 
> quite well for me it was written for the case
> where a big mass mailer like google  is trying to send us mail. 
> The utility notices such mailers and white lists  it by adding its 
> allowed nets taken through spf queries to the white list. i.e.
> it reads output of spamdb, then checks spf records for all greylisted 
> mails and produces 'whitelist.auto' file  which can
> then be used with spamd-setup.
> it is small, so I put it into attachment.

I see a tiny little problem with this method... sometimes people send
spam from domains whose DNS they control.

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