2009/5/11 Cem Kayali <cemkay...@eticaret.com.tr>:
> If someone (who knows) reply, i would appreciate...
Patience is a virtue...

> If i would download packages through a mirror server, how could i validate
> their checksum? Please note, i'm NOT mentioning about using checksum on
> mirror server, which is not valid if  the packages are already
> compromised... Shouldn't these checksums exist on openbsd.org main web site
> at least?


And read.

If you've downloaded ports.tar.gz, untared it and done a cvs up -C -Pd
you can be sure it's in sync with the cvs server...

>> since i couldn't see a list of md5/sha256(512) sums of those in main
>> www.openbsd.org website ---nor somebody mentions they are in cdroms? Maybe
>> can get ports via anoncvs but not packages. Well, ordering cd-rom is not a
>> problem, but it does not contain all the software i wish -probably.

It does support the project and does contain a clean ports tarbal.

>> I'm sorry if this looks like 101 OpenBSD question, this is just how NetBSD
>> (that i use) handles.

You're not the first to ask and not the first who didn't search the
archives before asking...

We spend the first twelve months of our children's lives teaching
them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and
shut up.

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