2009/5/11 Cem Kayali <cemkay...@eticaret.com.tr>:
> Actually, i read through those messages, and in biref it is said that
> "we think it's worse to sign packages than not to sign them if you don't
> have
> a fairly strict process that ensures you have a correct chain of trust.
> Without that, signatures provide a false sense of security that doesn't
> match anything..."
> If someone use checksum on mirrror, it does not make sense but if someone
> uses
> checksums from either CD or ssh'ed anonCVS server, i think it is fine
> (_not?_)
> Lets forget about packages... then is it (below) the best way to have
> ideal system?
> - Buy CD rom, since it is original. Install original packages.
> - If a packages is not on CD then get ports.tgz through anoncvs server and
> built by compiling.

ports.tar.gz is on the CD.  As is src.tar.gz.  (look on CD3 if you have them)

> Patience is a virtue, and helping too, and i thank you for your reply.
> Really.
> Regards,
> Cem
> Jasper Valentijn, 05/11/09 18:41:
>> 2009/5/11 Cem Kayali <cemkay...@eticaret.com.tr>:
>>> If someone (who knows) reply, i would appreciate...
>> Patience is a virtue...
>>> If i would download packages through a mirror server, how could i
>>> validate
>>> their checksum? Please note, i'm NOT mentioning about using checksum on
>>> mirror server, which is not valid if B the packages are already
>>> compromised... Shouldn't these checksums exist on openbsd.org main web
> site
>>> at least?
>> <http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&w=2&r=1&s=packages+checksum&q=b>
>> And read.
>> If you've downloaded ports.tar.gz, untared it and done a cvs up -C -Pd
>> you can be sure it's in sync with the cvs server...
>>>> since i couldn't see a list of md5/sha256(512) sums of those in main
>>>> www.openbsd.org website ---nor somebody mentions they are in cdroms?
> Maybe
>> i
>>>> can get ports via anoncvs but not packages. Well, ordering cd-rom is not
> a
>>>> problem, but it does not contain all the software i wish -probably.
>> It does support the project and does contain a clean ports tarbal.
>>>> I'm sorry if this looks like 101 OpenBSD question, this is just how
> NetBSD
>>>> (that i use) handles.
>> You're not the first to ask and not the first who didn't search the
>> archives before asking...
>> --
>> B We spend the first twelve months of our children's lives teaching
>> them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and
>> shut up.

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