Why come to an OpenBSD list asking about FreeBSD pf? I note that you
didn't come to ask about getting OpenBSD running on your new hardware.
(It might have been quite a simple thing to fix).

You'd be better off asking on a FreeBSD list or the general pf
list. Most of us here don't know FreeBSD pf. It's a bit different.
They don't track OpenBSD's code particularly closely (which is
newer and has more features) and we're not sure what works
and what doesn't in their code.

On 2009-05-18, mehma sarja <mehmasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ingo and the rest of OpenBSD pf-ers,
> Thanks Ingo for your thoughts. Let me ask a simpler question, is there
> something wrong with the following line on a FreeBSD 7.2 pf?
> pass in log quick on em0 inet proto tcp from any to port =
> imaps flags S/SA modulate state
> Yudhvir

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