
Please check hplip library, which is OSS and -as far as i know- supported by OpenBSD. You will see that there are printers with scanning and faxing features.

List is here: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/supported_devices/combined.html


Predrag Punosevac, 05/26/09 01:30:
I'm thinking about installing OpenBSD on my desktop workstation.
As far as I know, there are commercial (binary) drivers for some Nvidia and
ATI cards applicable.
Do these drivers work on OpenBSD as well?
If not, which graphics cards are supported for 3D acceleration at all?
Then, I would like to connect my USB printer/scanner (Epson SX100).
>From what I've learned from google, this device should work with Linux - but
does it work with OpenBSD?

Hi Chris,

I just want to address the issue of the Epson SX100 since I belive you got very good answers regarding 3D acceleration.

Scanners which are supported by sane-backends work rock stable on
OpenBSD. The only exception I personally have encountered (I have probably tried two dozen scanners on OpenBSD) are HP SCSI scanners which you can probably find only in a museum anyway. The sane-backends
for those use some cheap Linux hacks.

The real issue here, I is that you want to use all-in-one device.
I have successfully used 2 different HP all-in-one devices (HPLIP)
and I failed to utilize one of Epsons all-in-one devices which was supposed to work.

I personally would discourage you from using all-in-one devices unless
you care only for printing.
Setting those up is a bit tricky. USB printer are seeing as ulpt
devices by OpenBSD kernel. On another hand USB scanners are seeing
as uscanner devices (about dozen or so) or as ugen devices in which
case uscanner must be disabled in kernel. In order
to be able to use all in one you will probably have to disable ulpt driver in kernel (most likely also umass driver as well) so that
ugen driver gets attached to all-in-one. Removing umass driver is
not a good thing to do.

The all-in-one device you have use very expensive ink anyway. Get yourself a cheap monochromatic printer which speaks Post Script language or the more expensive color one if you must use color. The price of the printer will
be completely offset by the price per copy. I would also recommend
getting older flat bad scanner made by Epson (Make sure they are
supported by sane-backends excluding Epkowa close source Linux only
backend). You may contact me off the list for the help with scanner set up unless you read Serbian in which case you can follow


Speaking of printer configuration look at this thread in English and my (Oko) posts.

P.S. If you decide you want to try your luck with Epson SX100 send me
a PP and I will get you started.

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