
they're not related to each other, so please stop whining.

but i'm happy to have tmux(1) in base because most of the openbsd
users/hackers i know used to install the screen port on their systems
which is not needed anymore.  tmux is nice, it is actively maintained
and developed in the tree, and it is more than a replacement for

so a possible explanation is that tmux(1) is more important than wake(8).


On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 05:29:00PM +0200, Pawlowski Marcin Piotr wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm a little bit curious about why there is place in bin for tmux(1)
> and there is no place for wake(8). In my opinion it's a little bit
> unfair. Could someone explain it?
> Information about why wake(8) was removed:
> http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/usr.sbin/wake/Attic/Makefile?hideattic=0;only_with_tag=HEAD
> Cheers!

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