Claudio Jeker wrote:
On Mon, Aug 03, 2009 at 09:53:00AM -0400, Matthew Haas wrote:
Good day.
I hope this is the appropriate forum for my questions. It is both
OpenBSD and OpenOSPFD related, but quite networking-centric. My
apologies if there is a better forum.
Which version of OpenBSD are you using. There was a multicast fix going
into bridge(4) some time ago (IIRC after 4.5) that is necessary in your
case. On the other hand I don't understand why you need to have the
bridge, why not use two different networks one for em(4) and one for
tun(4) and let ospfd handle the rest. Running a dynamic routing protocol
allows you to do that without much issues.
Right now a mix of OpenBSD 4.4 and 4.3 machines. So certainly nothing
that would have taken advantage of that multicast bridge fix.
Your statement regarding running separate networks for OSPF makes
sense.. I'm still in the process of wrapping my head around everything,
so I believe I may have inadvertently committed an act of network
micro-management where I should just step back and let OSPF handle
things. Thank you, I will explore that.
Additionally, is there some repository of OpenOSPFD config files out on
the internet I could reference?
All examples I can readily find deal only with one "area", and if I
understand Claudio's suggestion, setting up two areas would be in order.
New questions:
- If I just set up two OpenOSPFD areas in the same config file,
segregating the network interfaces properly, will OpenOSPFD know to
handle communication between the two?
- Or do I need to somehow tell it to merge them together? (That's where
I'm unsure)