PJ, you wrote (in part) "I already posted wherefrom - openBSD ftp
site; the burning was done exaactly the same as for the FreeBSD and
many other files without ever having any problems... and I mean, EVER

If burning files or images worked before, why should we think it
was/is an hardware or bios problem?

On 8/6/09, PJ <af.gour...@videotron.ca> wrote:
> Bret S. Lambert wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 02:24:21PM -0400, PJ wrote:
>>> I've managed by myself so far
>> Except, really, you haven't, because you apparently (unless I've missed
>> something)
> You did miss everything... if you were paying attention and not
> emotionally hyped up (I just love provoking) you would have seen that I
> fixed my problems with FreeBSD by myself, saved the crah, the files, the
> OS (XP) and did make the right cd. And you like the rest of your
> emotionally crippled buddies didn't think that there might be something
> else in the bag of worms.
> No one thought of other problems, like, maybe there's something awry in
> the bios or drive configuration or the mb itself...
> I thought of that and found the malady but not yet the cure... Indeed I
> will find it and will save you the trouble of bothering to learn
> anything... ciao, baby and hasta la vista. :-*
>>  still can't make a bootable .iso. You come in and ask what are
>> charitably described as ignorant questions, immediately blaming everything
>> and everyone but yourself. You seem to have narrowed it down to a hardware
>> issue...except that that still doesn't seem to be it. So it looks more
>> and more like it's coming down to PEBCAK.
>> But, hey, if you want to throw a pity party because those riding the
>> intertruck are being mean to you, go right ahead. Just don't expect
>> anybody else to think you're holy because you've nailed yourself to
>> a cross.
> --
> HervC) Kempf: "Pour sauver la planC(te, sortez du capitalisme."
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Phil Jourdan --- p...@ptahhotep.com
>    http://www.ptahhotep.com
>    http://www.chiccantine.com/andypantry.php

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