Chris Dukes wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 12:54:12PM -0400, PJ wrote:
> [ A lot of crap snipped ]
> Phil,
> You failed to answer the question.
> "What the hell is your end goal?"
> I have a simpler question for you.
> Are you too incompetent to answer a question like "What the hell is
> your end goal?"
> A) Yes
> B) No
> C) I don't know
> If you fail to answer "A", "B", or "C", it will lead us to believe 
> that yes, you are that incompetent.
> If you answer "B" and fail to provide a 1-5 sentence answer to
> "What the hell is your end goal?" we will assume that you are
> that incompetent.
> Most people here have already decided that you are that incompetent.
> They are enjoying an opportunity to make fun of your incompetence.
> I'm giving you the brief benefit of the doubt that the trials and
> tribulations of your life lead you to describe the metaphorical
> alligators you are wrestling rather than the metaphorical matter you 
> need to drain the swamp.
Maybe you could be more specific... What do you mean by end goal?
Perhaps my thinking is too abstract for you...
If you mean why am I asking for help? or if it's about setting up
OpenBSD, it's that I need an OS that is functional and reliable and
more-or-less user friendly. MS is out as it is non of the above (user
friendly, maybe if you're an idiot). FreeBSD used to be great but just
slid downhill... Linux is too spread-out and has too many threads... I
don't care for their confusing philosophies... I haven't looked at
NetBSD but have heard of it and I like what I heard about OpenBSD from Neal.

Now what is the purpose of this interrogation?

I made a mistake about the boot disk, and I'm sorry. I jumped to
But I really had no other options at the time... I still don't know what
is wrong in this rather unusual and extremely rare situation. I can only
assume that any dvd/cd writer that is current on the market and that I
have on other machines will work on this one. And, strangely, other
dvd/cd drives have worked without problem on this machine as well... so
why, is it this machine and this drive when all else functions well...
What else am I to look for?

HervC) Kempf: "Pour sauver la planC(te, sortez du capitalisme."
Phil Jourdan ---

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