On 2009-08-17, Andres Salazar <ndrsslz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> During the past week two boxes two boxes on the same network have
> stopped responding, they carry OpenBSD 4.5 i386 and I have logged at
> every possible log to find out why this occurs however I havent been
> able to spot anything unusual. All of the sudden they just stop
> responding requests.
> What these freezes do have in common is that when the boxes are
> reached via the KVM they present the login screen, they allow text to
> be entered in the login field... but upon hitting enter for it to ask
> the password thats when it just hangs.
> Iam afraid this will keep on happening and I woudl like to know if
> anybody has experienced this before.. these have been perfectly
> working boxes and it would be just odd both would have the same
> problem in the same few days.
> Upon a reboot everything returns to normal.

Set ddb.console=1 in sysctl.conf and reboot (you can't change this
on a running system with securelevel=1 as is normally set), if/when it
happens again you can try breaking into DDB (ctrl+alt+esc from glass
console, BREAK from serial console) and you may be able to get more
information about what's happening (trace/ps would be good places
to start - serial console would let you paste the output into email
which would be helpful if you need other people to look at it).

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