For me the same issue on a couple of boxes.
The only common thing for me is :

- Soekris
- SpamAssassin
- Clamav-milter
- PF + spamd
- Sendmail

Most of the boxes runs without any problems for years and sometimes it dies.......


On Mon, 17 Aug 2009, Michal wrote:

Is there a set time when this will happen, say after it's been up for ~5
hours, or is it completely random, 2 days one time, 1 hour another

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Andres Salazar
Sent: 17 August 2009 01:29
Subject: Boxes hanging intermittently. Anybody seen such ?


During the past week two boxes two boxes on the same network have
stopped responding, they carry OpenBSD 4.5 i386 and I have logged at
every possible log to find out why this occurs however I havent been
able to spot anything unusual. All of the sudden they just stop
responding requests.

What these freezes do have in common is that when the boxes are
reached via the KVM they present the login screen, they allow text to
be entered in the login field... but upon hitting enter for it to ask
the password thats when it just hangs.

Iam afraid this will keep on happening and I woudl like to know if
anybody has experienced this before.. these have been perfectly
working boxes and it would be just odd both would have the same
problem in the same few days.

Upon a reboot everything returns to normal.

Thank you.

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