On Mon, 24 Aug 2009, Jan-Erik Skata wrote:

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 2:30 PM, Chris <atst...@gmail.com> wrote:

I have an IBM T41 that runs current snapshot. I put it in suspend mode
with apm -z or zzz but when I wake the system, the battery runs dry.
Is there any way to avoid this other than turning off the the system
completely and turning it back on again?


This is a well-known issue on some ThinkPads. I have the same problem on my
X40 running Linux.


The issue mentioned on Thinkwiki seems to be ACPI related, not APM related.

On the other hand, I can confirm similar behaviour with APM - complete discharge of battery within around a day in my APM suspended T42. As I have never run any other OS on my ThinkPad but OpenBSD, I thought short battery life in suspend was normal with ThinkPads and used hibernation instead. Now I see it isn't normal. If there is somebody experienced in power management working on this issue, I will be happy to help.


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