David Vasek wrote
> On the other hand, I can confirm similar behaviour with APM - complete
> discharge of battery within around a day in my APM suspended T42. As I
> have never run any other OS on my ThinkPad but OpenBSD, I thought short
> battery life in suspend was normal with ThinkPads and used hibernation
> instead. Now I see it isn't normal. If there is somebody experienced in
> power management working on this issue, I will be happy to help.

I see the same behavior with both of my pair of T42 (currently running
        [Yes, I know that's out of date.  I pre-ordered the 4.5
        CD set, and it's been on my desk for 2 months now.  Maybe
        sometime soon life will be un-hectic enough that I'll be
        able to install it...]
That this behavior also didn't change when I had to have the motherboard
replaced in one of the T42 last month.

Interestingly, I did *not* see this behavior with a T43p or on any of
2 different T41p, running various OpenBSD versions from 3.9-stable up
through 4.3-stable:  Each of these had a battery lifetime of > 30 days
when in APM suspend-to-RAM state.  (And that "> 30 days" may well be
more a measurement of internal leakage current in the battery than
actual power draw by the laptop.)  Unfortunately, I don't have any of
these machines available for comparison any more (I had to give the T43p
back when I left that job, and both of the T41p suffered fatal hardware

I wonder what's going on here?


-- "Jonathan Thornburg [remove -animal to reply]" 
   Dept of Astronomy, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
   "Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the
    powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral."
                                      -- quote by Freire / poster by Oxfam

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