> Maybe it's worth to see this presentation:
> http://www.openbsd.org/papers/brhard2007/

I definitely agree with OpenBSD's uncompromising stance on this. I'll
take quality code from sensible devs over binary blobs any day. I
admire folks who stand-up for what is right. That's one reason I
choose OpenBSD over other free operating systems.

At the same time, I unfortunately have to help Joe User. Occasionally
I'm being paid to help Joe User. So I have to suffer fools when that
is the case ;) and I'm a nice guy who likes to accommodate, but
attempt to educate at the same time. RTFM does not work on most Joe
Users and they often go away from that sort of conversation thinking
OpenBSD is for jerks (although it is not) and I do not wish to add to
that misconception. So, I was hoping to come-up with some informal
rules to help bridge the gap between us and them.

Thanks for all the advice. I'll keep suffering fools for now.


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