hmm, on Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 01:41:01PM -0500, Marco Peereboom said that
> > the devs are sitting around smug saying nothing until someone comes
> > up with this theme again and then they send something like:
> > 
> >     i have a bgp machine forwarding 800MBit/s of real world generic
> >     internet traffic. can handle at least twice that.
> > 
> > what can i say?  i am happy for you :]
> And the person who does that has some sort of vested interest to lie to
> you?  And he also has the worst intentions for the community?

i did not mean that it could be a lie, or fabrication.  i meant that
this is not a replacement for benchmarks.  why not describe some
high profile situations like this for others to see what is openbsd
capable of?  no wonder everybody was asking for details.  this is
exactly the (perceived) problem with openbsd's performance: noone
really knows what can be expected of the system.  there is precious
little data about this, and most of it outdated as well.

the word benchmark has a lot negative connotations, mostly because
it's 'hard to do it well'.  but let's call then benchmarks 'load
testing' and that is not hard to do at all -- push the system until
it falls.  everyone would be interested in the results.  doesn't
even have to compared to other systems, although that puts it into
even more context as well.

what a nice night for an evening.  -- steven wright

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