On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 06:39:31 +0200 Bret S. Lambert wrote:

> > > > 1) In X on OpenBSD 4.5 mouse cursor may freeze sometimes. On
> > > > FreeBSD 4.11 (on the same PC) - never.
> > > 
> > > Doesn't happen for me... Did you ever report this? with
> > > information to reproduce it? I do not think so.
It is not a bug, I think. Just performance problem.

> > I'll consider about bug report.
> > 
> > By the way, I did send a few reports to ports maintainers. Got no
> > response for a long time.
> If they were of the quality of the bug "reports" you've made on misc@,
> it's no goddamn wonder they didn't respond.

What if I'm unable make better "report"?


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