On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 02:09:17PM +0200, Michael wrote:
> > smtpd has recently benefited from many changes to the local and remote
> > delivery code paths.  Their aim is to advance smtpd few steps further to
> > being well suited for production use.  I have been working on this for a
> > number of weeks, and to put it bluntly - the changes are massive.
> > 
> > So, please grab the latest smtpd and give it a spin.
> I've changed from sendmail to smtpd on some routers which only forward
> cronjob mails and it works just fine... mostly. ;-)
> On one machine I am also accepting mails, grep the text and send it as
> SMS. Sending mails with tls and receiving mails without tls works just
> fine, however, when using "listen on vr0 tls" it doesn't work when
> following "man starttls", because it tells you to create a DSA certificate.
> In this case the sending machine is another OpenBSD box with sendmail.
> opensmtpd complains here that no shared cipher could be found. After
> switching to an RSA certificate it works just fine.

starttls(8) instructions should now work on -current smtpd.

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