Sorry about the late response.

I do know what problem am having and what exactly I want, sorry didn't post
my original intention.

I would like to know more about procfs implemention in OpenBSD, not just
knowing how to mount it... That's what I refered to when I said "didn't have
success while googling" (or something like that). I mounted procfs manually
after started (and obviously processes already started). I'm a bit lost
cause went to /proc and all processes where there, but files where empty.
I'm pretty noob at hacking the kernel (really, all i've done is trying to
figure out how can I make a switch to my 3G modem, not yet supported in the
kernel (ZTE-626)). So, finally, I would just like to know how things really
work, but not willing to just post here and wait for someone to explain me;
maybe a little reference would be great, cause very little or non literature
is found about OpenBSD implementation... (or maybe I'm struggling
searching). I just wanna say I'm loving the system (and the phylosophy).
>> Great, now we have another user doing stuff without understanding why.
>>  Even better, it's with procfs, which none of the developers want to
>> touch.
>> To the original poster: I suggest you figure out what problem you're
>> trying to solve now, while you're thinking about it instead of later,
>> when some problem with procfs kicks you in the teeth while you're
>> under a deadline.
>> Philip Guenther

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