On 21 October 2009 c. 17:16:33 Stuart VanZee wrote:
> The company I work for is having their yearly Payment Card Industry
> (PCI) assessment and while I believe that OpenBSD is the most secure
> OS going, I am having some problems proving it.  Here are some of
> the issues I need to figure out.

I'm assuming you're talking about console logins. If you're creating Web
interface for example, then you have to implement such restrictions
there; it does nothing with OpenBSD in that case.

> 8.5.9    For a sample of system components, obtain and inspect system
>          configuration settings to verify that user password
> parameters are set to require users to change passwords at least every
> 90 days.
>      I have no idea how to set OpenBSD to do this, any suggestions?

See login.conf(5), password-dead and password-warn.

> 8.5.10   For a sample of system components, obtain and inspect system
>          configuration settings to verify that user password
> parameters are set to require passwords to be at least seven
> characters long. I know that OpenBSD uses 6 characters, is there a way
> to change this?

Same, minpasswordlen.

> 8.5.12   For a sample of system components, obtain and inspect system
>          configuration settings to verify that user password
> parameters are set to require that new passwords cannot be the same as
> the four previously used passwords.
>      I have no idea how to set OpenBSD to do this, any suggestions?

AFAIK, there is no such mechanism available, but you can use
passwordcheck in login.conf(5).

> 8.5.13   For a sample of system components, obtain and inspect system
>          configuration settings to verify that user password
> parameters are set to require that a users account is locked out after
> not more than six invalid logon attempts.

AFAIK, no default mechanism too. Looks like this requires playing with
login-tries and custom auth style.

> 8.5.14   For a sample of system components, obtain and inspect system
>          configuration settings to verify that user password
> parameters are set to require that once a users account is locked out,
> it remains locked for a minimum of 30 minutes or until a system
> administrator resets the account.
>      13 and 14 go togeather, I know that this isn't the scheme that
> OpenBSD uses.  In OpenBSD, each time a user fails a password attempt
> it takes a little bit longer to get a new login prompt.  Maybe if
> there was a way that I could set it so that by the time six failures
> happen that it takes 30 minutes to get the next login prompt.  Does
> anyone know how to do this or have any other suggestion?

Same as previous.

> 8.5.15   For a sample of system components, obtain and inspect system
>          configuration settings to verify that system/session idle
> time out features have been set to 15 minutes or less.
>      This one requires that a user must re-enter the password if their
>      terminal is idle for more than 15 minutes.  Any ideas how to do
> this with OpenBSD?

wsconsctl display.screen_off=$(15*60000))

... Hope all this helps.

  Best wishes,
    Vadim Zhukov

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