A paper has been published about the claim that you can recover data with an electron microscope (http://www.springerlink.com/content/408263ql11460147/). Unfortunately the paper is not available for free, but the summary is that after overwriting it 1 time you can't recover data anymore with hardware (not to mention software); only if you're very lucky you might retrieve some bytes. After 3 wipes you will only see random noise (on a magnetic level).

So if you really want to be sure use either 3x"dd" or run dban.org.

If your data is so valuable that an attacker will go the length (and has the resources) to retrieve bytes from reallocated sectors and then try to solve this puzzle, then you need way more protective measures than just encryption. See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber-hose_cryptanalysis and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_engineering_(security).


Vijay Sankar wrote:
Jordi Espasa Clofent wrote:
Hi all,

The subject is auto-descriptive ;)
After reading a while about wiping [1] I think there's not a unique way to do it. Finally I've chosen a simple double-step method:


$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=<disk_to_delete>

and next

$ dd if=/deb/zero of=<disk_to_delete>

?Do you think is it safe enough? I mean ?is it enough against the common recovery low-level data tools?

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_erasure#Standards

I have typically used rm -P against mount points and that has worked well for me. In one situation, someone at a customer site tried to read data from the erased directories using various commercial tools he had access to and failed.

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