I'm fresh off the boat from Debian. I love OpenBSD's attitude, and the documentation is even pretty decipherable, but I'm still a little confused by pf. I managed to build a trivial filter, but there are a few things I don't understand.

I read somewhere (3 books, google, the website docs, and man) that a longer rule takes longer to do its work. Why? I don't understand how pf works -- I'd expect pfctl, while it's munging pf.conf, to make most of the conditions into a big mask that could just && with the IP header and make a decision on the result. So specifying the proto and both addresses and flags shouldn't make much difference in efficiency. No?

pf.conf consists largely of anchors (to fork on protocol) and sub- anchors below them to fork on service -- I'm trying to reduce the count of rules seen by a packet to a minimum. But
pfctl -vs Anchors
gives this (in part):

/root:# pfctl -vs Anchors

Here's the TCP_IN anchor:

anchor "TCP_IN/*" in inet proto tcp from any port > 1023 to $OUTSIDE flags S/SA {
        anchor "SMTP/*" inet proto tcp to port smtp  {
                block drop in quick from <ASIA_BLK>
                block drop in quick from <SMTP_BLK>
                pass in quick
        anchor "POP3/*" inet proto tcp to port pop3  {
                block drop in quick from <ASIA_BLK>
                block drop in quick from <POP_BLK>
                pass in quick
        anchor "SSH/*" inet proto tcp to port ssh {
                block drop in quick from <ASIA_BLK>
                block drop in quick from <SSH_BLK>
                pass in quick
        pass in inet proto tcp to port rsync

Why does pfctl say there's a TCP_IN/TCP_IN?

Do there have to be "/*"s after all the anchor names?

Is it true that sub-anchors are 'evaluated' in alphabetical order as opposed to the order in the file? If so, is there a reason for this?

Is the pf list from Christmas Island still viable? I tried twice to subscribe and got bounced as spam both times.

And is there a way to get rid of an anchor without rebooting? When I change spellings,
pfctl -s Anchors
shows the old ones still in there.


Glenn English

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