On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Otto Moerbeek <o...@drijf.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 02:44:27PM +0100, Jonathan Schleifer wrote:
>> Just wondering: Why is getaddrinfo breaking POSIX by not being
>> thread-safe and what is the thread-safe alternative to it? (Please
>> don't tell me to use locks, as that would kill the possibility to
>> lookup multiple hosts at once).
>> I consider it very strange that an OS still has a thread-unsafe
>> getaddrinfo in the year 2009, even though POSIX and RFC 2553 both
>> require it to be thread-safe. And it makes it especially hard to
>> write portable applications, as there is no way to check if
>> getaddrinfo is thread-safe in a configure script.
> Nobody did the work yet. If it's very important to you, consider
> spending effort making it thread safe. I believe netbsd and freebsd
> have thread safe implementations. But actullay verifying that is
> pretty hard.

The existing resolver code is compleat balls, as oga@ would spell it.
Frankly, it needs to be dragged behind the chemical sheds and
quietly suffocated.

>        -Otto

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